Saturday, March 31, 2007

The Lost Girls!!

I just picked up this book I ordered at school today. It's expensive (on purpose -- nice packaging to deter immediate judgment of pornographic/Erotic material) but totally worth it.

Alan Moore's erotic "Lost Girls"

An amazing new work by graphic novel master Alan Moore (previous works: Watchmen, From Hell, V for Vendetta, and the first two sets of League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, The Killing Joke, and Brought to Light).

His newest: a series of works titled "Lost Girls Collected," created with illustrator Melinda Gebbie. Violet says:

"[It features] explicit sex -- portrayed in a compelling, highly pleasurable way. Like the setting of League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Lost Girls has Moore revisiting characters from Victorian fiction, where the main female characters from Neverland, Wonderland and Oz meet as adults in a strange hotel in 1913 to set out on a sexual adventure together."
And Moore explains:
"It presents this material in a way which is every bit as sensual and beautiful and at times, startling, as the actual sexual act itself can be. I think that was probably why we did it. The sexual imagination, which is the biggest part of sexuality, is not well served in our culture, and I really don't understand why that should be.

The only way that we can talk about or refer to sex -- we have two choices: we can either do it in grubby works of pornography that will be read by people who are desperately ashamed of what they are reading, or we can discuss sex in the clinical manner of sex manuals or The Joy of Sex. Neither of these things have got anything that I, or probably most other normal people actually associate with our sexuality."

Original Post: BoingBoing

Friday, March 30, 2007

Fox Attacks: Black America

Fox has an awful record of airing bigoted views and highly problematic framing around race issues.


Pencils made from cremated humans

Cory Doctorow:
Artist Nadine Jarvis can fabricate pencils from carbon left over by incinerating human remains -- it's part of a larger "research project into post mortem." She notes that "240 pencils can be made from an average body of ash - a lifetime supply of pencils for those left behind."


Wesleyan Argus -- Foursquare

Foursquare: the real victim

By Brian Jordan

Since the week of May 11th, 2003, chalking has been banned at Wesleyan University. This ban was the result of a contentious battle, fought on the pavement by a group of students looking suspiciously like a Crayola street marketing team. The dispute with the administration was so epic, it was covered by the New York Times. But this fight was just a big cloudy smokescreen hiding the reality; the slow death of an American institution. Won't somebody think of the foursquare?

Sure, the complain-o-crats over at the New York Times say the sidewalk chalking had gotten to the point where "obscenity was rampant and unpopular professors were disparaged by name." But just because a professor is named Dr. John Is-An-Asshole doesn't mean the act of writing it down should be punishable. Wesleyan is off the mark here. The real issue can be found wedged between "foursome" and "fourstar" in the dictionary. QED.

Let me lay it down for you a little slower. In order for one to play the popular recess game four-square, you need a court and a ball. The ball can be found at the local, if depressing, Toys 'R' Us, or from Freeman when the ball-checkout booth people aren't looking. The lines of the court, however, like the houses of California's Yokut tribe, must be made from whatever materials happen to be around.

Hmm... What can one use to make lines on pavement...

Tape? Technically littering.

Clothing? Streaking is frowned upon.

Pressure-sensitive electronics to determine whether the ball bounced on or off the line? Already been done at Wimbledon.

Candy? You already ate it, and that would be a waste of licorice anyway.

There's only one option left... you know what it is... And it's banned.

Keep Wesleyan Weird? As if. We have bigger problems: Keep Foursquare Alive.

Jordan is a member of the class of 2010 and self-proclaimed Foursquare Czar.

The Wesleyan Argus

Deplorable living conditions for wounded soldiers in DC

NPR News -- Nation

Bush Tours Walter Reed Hospital, and Apologizes

Listen to this story... by

All Things Considered, March 30, 2007 · President Bush went to the Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington D.C., Friday, his first trip there since revelations six weeks ago about deplorable living conditions for wounded soldiers in the facility's outpatient housing.

Substandard conditions and policies at the hospital brought resignations after they were exposed in news reports. The president used the occasion to apologize to veterans for what they endured during their recovery, and to vow that the problems will be fixed.

"We're not going to be satisfied until everybody gets the kind of care that their folks and families expect," the president said.

Still, President Bush came under criticism today.

Some wondered why he waited so long after the news broke to visit Walter Reed personally. And they asked why he didn't take a first-hand look at repairs being done at one of Building 18, which soldiers he met told him was particularly troubled.

Democrats said the problems at the Army medical center are part of a larger picture — that of an administration that has cut funding for veterans programs and which didn't adequately plan for the war and its long-term effects.

Other related stories: There is more, and less, to the Walter Reed Scandal

Tuesday, March 27, 2007
