Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Thoughts on Disappointment

Just some thoughts for today...

Disappointment is the feeling of dissatisfaction that follows the failure of expectations to manifest. Similar to regret, it differs in that the individual feeling regret focuses primarily on the personal choices that contributed to a poor outcome, while the individual feeling disappointment focuses on the outcome itself.[1] It is a source of psychological stress.[2]

Disappointment, and an inability to prepare for it, has also been hypothesized as the source of occasional immune system compromise in optimists.[9] While optimists by and large exhibit better health,[10] they may alternatively exhibit less immunity when under prolonged or uncontrollable stress, a phenomenon which researchers have attributed to the "disappointment effect".[9] The "disappointment effect" posits that optimists do not utilize "emotional cushioning" to prepare for disappointment and hence are less able to deal with it when they experience it.[10][11] This disappointment effect has been challenged since the mid-1990s by researcher Suzanne C. Segerstrom, who has published, alone and in accord, several articles evaluating its plausibility. Her findings suggest that, rather than being unable to deal with disappointment, optimists are more likely to actively tackle their problems and experience some immunity compromise as a result.[12]

Lose/Win people bury a lot of feelings. And unexpressed feelings come forth later in uglier ways. Psychosomatic illnesses often are the reincarnation of cumulative resentment, deep disappointment and disillusionment repressed by the Lose/Win mentality. Disproportionate rage or anger, overreaction to minor provocation, and cynicism are other embodiments of suppressed emotion. People who are constantly repressing, not transcending feelings toward a higher meaning find that it affects the quality of their relationships with others.
-Stephen Covey

Character is the foundation stone upon which one must build to win respect. just as no worthy building can be erected on a weak foundation, so no lasting reputation worthy of respect can be built on a weak character. Without character, all effort to attain dignity is superficial, and results are sure to be disappointing.
-R.C. Samsel

Friday, September 25, 2009

Weekend happenings and some future events...

Can't wait for fall in Boston...hope it stays decently warm enough to ride around for a few months!  Here are some upcoming events this weekend and in the next few weeks.

Berklee Beantown Jazz Festival: Ends Sat Sept 26
Join last year's 70,000 plus crowd to enjoy some of the best jazz, groove and blues music in the country in the heart of Boston.
Official Site: http://www.beantownjazz.org/

Hub on Wheels
  • When:Sun 9/27 (8AM)
  • Where:City Hall Plaza
  • Address:1 City Hall Plaza Boston, MA 
  • Cost:45.00
  • For one day in September, Storrow Drive becomes a bike path.

    Join us for the 5th annual Hub On Wheels- Boston's only citywide bike ride takes place. It's your chance to ride along the Charles River with no cars getting in your way, explore the greenways and the shoreline, the neighborhoods and the communities we call home.

    Furthermore, your participation helps public school students get the technology and the skills they need to succeed in today's world. All of the proceeds from Hub On Wheels will benefit Technology Goes Home, a non-profit organization providing technology training and computer equipment to give these students the edge they need.

For additional information please visit: www.hubonwheels.org.

Bike Tours of Cambridge -- Oct 4, 2009

Discover new places and interesting routes between them on rides organized by the Cambridge Bicycle Committee. Most tours are themed, with brief talks and an informational brochure of images, text and map. The tours are accessible to all bike riders, moving at an easy pace in a group escorted by the Cambridge Police bicycle patrol. The rides are free of charge and end with free refreshments!

Next Ride: Pedaling the People's Republic – A History Of Political Activism In Cambridge

Sunday October 4, 2009

Departs 10:30 AM from Cambridge Common

Please arrive by 10:15 AM


Uppereast - Oct 8, 2009

And...starting Oct 8 there's a new Thursday night women's night in Cambridge at OM. Check it out!  http://www.shuttavac.com/uppereast/

