Heard a great piece on NPR this morning about tattoos, tattoo history and tattooing in modern America. According to the story, 40% of Americans between the ages of 24 and 40 have ink! But the U.S. tattoo culture is nothing compared to some of the world's body art traditions.

This piece examined the Maoris from New Zealand who have been tattooing for millions of years. They also draw a connection between tattoo design and wood cuts, which I found interesting.
Find the NPR story by clicking on the image below. Click listen to download the podcast.

There is an exhibit concerning Maorian tattoo at the Peabody Essex museum called:
"Body Politics: Maori Tattoo Today". The exhibit lasts until January 2009.
I love photographing tattoos, and I find some of the best at music festivals I attend. Some other tattoo photos I have taken...

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